DTF Books


Rehras Evensong The Sikh Evening Prayer


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The evening prayer of the Sikhs, recited around sunsetĀ  Rehras is a quest for the infinite reality that is God. It is believed that Rehras in some form or the other, has
been recited since the time of Guru NanakĀ  (1469-1539) the founder of the Sikh faith.
Compositions were added in the later years>

Reema Anand and Khushwant Singh’s translations bring to a wider readership the beauty and comfort of some of the most poignant religious verse ever composed.

Reema Annad & Khushwant Singh
Publisher: Viking Ā India 2002
Language ā€ : ā€ŽĀ English, Punjab
Hardcover ā€ : ā€ŽĀ 144 pages
ISBNā€ : ā€Ž 978-0670049202


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Weight .300 kg


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